Thursday, June 22, 2006

Good morning!

I've been up since 3am. I changed my settings so you can all add comments if you like...I think. That's what I meant to do anyway. We'll see if it works.
I guess it's a slow news day...nothing much new to report. Better than drama. I have taken a couple of days off to spend time with the boys which has been nice. Alex is trying to get together a game of "Mario RPG" which is kind of like Dungeons and Dragons on using characters from Super Mario Brothers. I'm a bean-person magical healer. I'll write more as I learn about it.
I think I'm finally getting sleepy again so I'll write more when I get up. Ciao y'all.


Anonymous said...

I never pictured you as a Bean person.

Kari said...

Pinto bean..not green bean. I despise green beans except straight from the can..and then only in small doses. Love refries and chili without beans should be outlawed!