Sunday, November 05, 2006

Matt's new job

Matt left this evening for Indianapolis to start a new job driving over-the-road again. This time he won't be leasing so he won't have to work quite so hard and for so long and he'll actually get paid vacation time. We've decided to go ahead and finish what we started before I got sick. We had a plan. Since then we've just been trying to get by and now it's time. I've really gotten used to him being at home so it's going to be a real adjustment again but it's not like he's leaving the country, like my poor little baby bro' :( and I can call him every night. We don't see alot of each other during the week anyway because often he's asleep by the time I get home. I hope to get an earlier shift soon. Well, really, we're all doing okay. It'll be nice to get caught up on the bills and have spending money again. My love to all.