Monday, July 17, 2006

Reply to letter

Holy shit!! I just noticed that it's only been 5 DAYS since Kate went in! It feels like a month! I don't know why. I told her not to call me until she gets out and she hasn't. I guess I just feel that bad about almost hating her now but goddamitall if I wanted to take care of a crazy person I move my MOM in with me! .....and that ain't just about to happen!


Anonymous said...

Hey, you don't have to feel bad about not liking someon'es behaviors. You can even hate them, the behaviours that is. Not tolerating them means YOU are not enabling them and thats great. 'means you're a tough but caring cookie. It also means you care for yourself as well as your family & friends! Be Strong!

Anonymous said...

Now I know why I am a social hermit. I envy your courage for dealing with a problem not of your choosing or responcibility. If you need anything call.