Thursday, July 13, 2006

I'm back...for the moment.

I've been gone a minute or 2. Just working like a damn dog and sleeping like the dead. It's about all I can stand to do these days.
So yesterday, my stupid girlfriend Kate, ended up in the hospital again because she o.d.'d....again. I would say she tried to kill herself but it's not really about that. She does it for attention. It's so sad. I finally had a day off and had planned to relax but I had to run out to her house and make sure her cat was fed and let her neighbor in and get a key made. sigh. stupid. I get so tired of her constant drama. And then I had to pick up Matt from work and we had to run his assistant back up to Raleigh so when we got home I passed out cold for about 3 hours. I think I must be coming down with something because I just can't seem to get enough sleep lately. I'm telling you it's all I can stand to do: work and sleep and work and sleep. It'll be okay though. I'm taking to today off and I'm staying HOME!!

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