Saturday, September 04, 2010

9-1-10 Oopsie! That's gonna leave a mark!

I could no longer wait; I had to go to the bathroom. Matt was asleep so I quietly slipped out of the truck and made my way to the truck stop store. I had to walk across the truck scale to get there. Bleary-eyed from napping, I totally did not see the little ledge off the scale and thinking this was not going to be graceful and hoping no one was looking I tried to move my foot up to catch no avail. Somehow my toes got caught, scraped the cement, and I went all the way down....SLAM! Knees and hands right into the pavement behind a rig at the first fuel aisle. Instinctively I rolled and ended up on my side screaming in my head, "What the f...k! Then I'm like, "Why is no one coming to my rescue? I could lay here and get run over by an incoming rig! Oh sh..t! I'd better get up before I get run over by a rig!" Very disoriented, I slowly got up and grabbed my hat which had fallen off to my horror and then I was glad nobody acted like they saw me because my hair was a greasy wreck! We don't get to shower every single day out here and my hair gets yucky fast! Thankfully I only had the tiniest scratch on my hands and scraped my knee up pretty good but nothing broken except my pride. If only one could actually DIE of embarrassment!

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